


AOF,其英文全称是Append Only File,就是只进行追加操作的文件。那么写进AOF文件中的到底是键值对数据还是什么呢?我先从客户端命令测试一下,Redis提供了BGREWRITEAOF命令用于执行AOF操作,接下来开启服务器和客户端,写几个数据进去看看



  • 命令追加:将命令数据写入aof_buf缓冲区
  • 文件写入:将aof_buf缓冲区的数据写入系统IO缓冲区
  • 文件同步:将系统IO缓冲区的数据同步到磁盘文件



/* 在server.h文件中的redisServer结构体中 */
struct redisServer { 
  // ...
  sds aof_buf;  /* AOF buffer, written before entering the event loop */
  int aof_selected_db; /* Currently selected DB in AOF */
  // ....

执行set hello world的时候会调用到propagate

void propagate(int dbid, robj **argv, int argc, int flags) {
    if (server.aof_state != AOF_OFF && flags & PROPAGATE_AOF)


void feedAppendOnlyFile(int dictid, robj **argv, int argc) {
    sds buf = sdsempty();	//创建一个空的字符串

    /* Feed timestamp if needed */
    if (server.aof_timestamp_enabled) {
        sds ts = genAofTimestampAnnotationIfNeeded(0);
        if (ts != NULL) {
            buf = sdscatsds(buf, ts);

    /* The DB this command was targeting is not the same as the last command
     * we appended. To issue a SELECT command is needed. */
    if (dictid != server.aof_selected_db) {
        char seldb[64];

        buf = sdscatprintf(buf,"*2\r\n$6\r\nSELECT\r\n$%lu\r\n%s\r\n",
            (unsigned long)strlen(seldb),seldb);
        server.aof_selected_db = dictid;

    /* All commands should be propagated the same way in AOF as in replication.
     * No need for AOF-specific translation. */
    buf = catAppendOnlyGenericCommand(buf,argc,argv);

    /* Append to the AOF buffer. This will be flushed on disk just before
     * of re-entering the event loop, so before the client will get a
     * positive reply about the operation performed. */
    if (server.aof_state == AOF_ON)
        server.aof_buf = sdscatlen(server.aof_buf,buf,sdslen(buf));

    /* If a background append only file rewriting is in progress we want to
     * accumulate the differences between the child DB and the current one
     * in a buffer, so that when the child process will do its work we
     * can append the differences to the new append only file. */
    if (server.child_type == CHILD_TYPE_AOF)
        aofRewriteBufferAppend((unsigned char*)buf,sdslen(buf));



sds catAppendOnlyGenericCommand(sds dst, int argc, robj **argv) {
    char buf[32];
    int len, j;
    robj *o;

    buf[0] = '*';
    len = 1+ll2string(buf+1,sizeof(buf)-1,argc);
    buf[len++] = '\r';
    buf[len++] = '\n';
    dst = sdscatlen(dst,buf,len);

    for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
        o = getDecodedObject(argv[j]);
        buf[0] = '$';
        len = 1+ll2string(buf+1,sizeof(buf)-1,sdslen(o->ptr));
        buf[len++] = '\r';
        buf[len++] = '\n';
        dst = sdscatlen(dst,buf,len);
        dst = sdscatlen(dst,o->ptr,sdslen(o->ptr));
        dst = sdscatlen(dst,"\r\n",2);
    return dst;


#define AOF_RW_BUF_BLOCK_SIZE (1024*1024*10)    /* 10 MB per block */

typedef struct aofrwblock {
    unsigned long used, free, pos;
    /* Note that 'buf' must be the last field of aofrwblock struct, because
     * memory allocator may give us more memory than our apply for reducing
     * fragments, but we want to make full use of given memory, i.e. we may
     * access the memory after 'buf'. To avoid make others fields corrupt,
     * 'buf' must be the last one. */
    char buf[AOF_RW_BUF_BLOCK_SIZE];
} aofrwblock;

/* Append data to the AOF rewrite buffer, allocating new blocks if needed.
 * Sanitizer suppression: zmalloc_usable() confuses sanitizer, it generates
 * a false positive out-of-bounds error */
void aofRewriteBufferAppend(unsigned char *s, unsigned long len) {
    listNode *ln = listLast(server.aof_rewrite_buf_blocks);
    aofrwblock *block = ln ? ln->value : NULL;

    while(len) {
        /* If we already got at least an allocated block, try appending
         * at least some piece into it. */
        if (block) {
            unsigned long thislen = (block->free < len) ? block->free : len;
            if (thislen) {  /* The current block is not already full. */
                memcpy(block->buf+block->used, s, thislen); //写入
                block->used += thislen;
                block->free -= thislen;
                s += thislen;
                len -= thislen;

        if (len) { /* First block to allocate, or need another block. */
            int numblocks;
            size_t usable_size;

            block = zmalloc_usable(sizeof(*block), &usable_size);
            block->free = usable_size-offsetof(aofrwblock,buf);
            block->used = 0;
            block->pos = 0;

            /* Log every time we cross more 10 or 100 blocks, respectively
             * as a notice or warning. */
            numblocks = listLength(server.aof_rewrite_buf_blocks);
            if (((numblocks+1) % 10) == 0) {
                int level = ((numblocks+1) % 100) == 0 ? LL_WARNING :
                serverLog(level,"Background AOF buffer size: %lu MB",

    /* Install a file event to send data to the rewrite child if there is
     * not one already. */
    if (!server.aof_stop_sending_diff &&
        aeGetFileEvents(server.el,server.aof_pipe_write_data_to_child) == 0)
        aeCreateFileEvent(server.el, server.aof_pipe_write_data_to_child,
            AE_WRITABLE, aofChildWriteDiffData, NULL);




    /* AOF postponed flush: Try at every cron cycle if the slow fsync
     * completed. */
    if (server.aof_state == AOF_ON && server.aof_flush_postponed_start)

    /* AOF write errors: in this case we have a buffer to flush as well and
     * clear the AOF error in case of success to make the DB writable again,
     * however to try every second is enough in case of 'hz' is set to
     * a higher frequency. */
    run_with_period(1000) {
        if (server.aof_state == AOF_ON && server.aof_last_write_status == C_ERR)
    /* Write the AOF buffer on disk */
    if (server.aof_state == AOF_ON)


/* Write the append only file buffer on disk.
 * Since we are required to write the AOF before replying to the client,
 * and the only way the client socket can get a write is entering when
 * the event loop, we accumulate all the AOF writes in a memory
 * buffer and write it on disk using this function just before entering
 * the event loop again.
 * About the 'force' argument:
 * When the fsync policy is set to 'everysec' we may delay the flush if there
 * is still an fsync() going on in the background thread, since for instance
 * on Linux write(2) will be blocked by the background fsync anyway.
 * When this happens we remember that there is some aof buffer to be
 * flushed ASAP, and will try to do that in the serverCron() function.
 *在同步策略被设置为每秒钟,我们可能延迟刷新如果这里依然有同步在后台进程操作,由于linux write的实例会阻塞后台同步。当这里发生时,我们记住这里有一些aof buffer尽可能快的去刷新,而且会尝试去做这个在serverCron方法中。
 * However if force is set to 1 we'll write regardless of the background
 * fsync. */
#define AOF_WRITE_LOG_ERROR_RATE 30 /* Seconds between errors logging. */
void flushAppendOnlyFile(int force) {
    ssize_t nwritten;
    int sync_in_progress = 0;
    mstime_t latency;

    if (sdslen(server.aof_buf) == 0) {

        if (server.aof_fsync == AOF_FSYNC_EVERYSEC &&
            server.aof_fsync_offset != server.aof_current_size &&
            server.unixtime > server.aof_last_fsync &&
            !(sync_in_progress = aofFsyncInProgress())) {
            goto try_fsync;
        } else {

    if (server.aof_fsync == AOF_FSYNC_EVERYSEC)
        sync_in_progress = aofFsyncInProgress();

    if (server.aof_fsync == AOF_FSYNC_EVERYSEC && !force) {		//每秒,但不强制
        /* With this append fsync policy we do background fsyncing.
         * If the fsync is still in progress we can try to delay
         * the write for a couple of seconds. */
        if (sync_in_progress) {	//如果在同步的话
            if (server.aof_flush_postponed_start == 0) {	//如果延迟aof刷新为0
                /* No previous write postponing, remember that we are
                 * postponing the flush and return. */
                server.aof_flush_postponed_start = server.unixtime;
            } else if (server.unixtime - server.aof_flush_postponed_start < 2) {	小于2秒
                /* We were already waiting for fsync to finish, but for less
                 * than two seconds this is still ok. Postpone again. */
            /* Otherwise fall through, and go write since we can't wait
             * over two seconds. */
            serverLog(LL_NOTICE,"Asynchronous AOF fsync is taking too long (disk is busy?). Writing the AOF buffer without waiting for fsync to complete, this may slow down Redis.");
    /* We want to perform a single write. This should be guaranteed atomic
     * at least if the filesystem we are writing is a real physical one.
     * While this will save us against the server being killed I don't think
     * there is much to do about the whole server stopping for power problems
     * or alike */
    if (server.aof_flush_sleep && sdslen(server.aof_buf)) {

    latencyStartMonitor(latency);	//时延监控器启动
    nwritten = aofWrite(server.aof_fd,server.aof_buf,sdslen(server.aof_buf));
    /* We want to capture different events for delayed writes:
     * when the delay happens with a pending fsync, or with a saving child
     * active, and when the above two conditions are missing.
     * We also use an additional event name to save all samples which is
     * useful for graphing / monitoring purposes. */
    if (sync_in_progress) {
    } else if (hasActiveChildProcess()) {
    } else {

    /* We performed the write so reset the postponed flush sentinel to zero. */
    server.aof_flush_postponed_start = 0;
    if (nwritten != (ssize_t)sdslen(server.aof_buf)) {
        static time_t last_write_error_log = 0;
        int can_log = 0;

        /* Limit logging rate to 1 line per AOF_WRITE_LOG_ERROR_RATE seconds. */
        if ((server.unixtime - last_write_error_log) > AOF_WRITE_LOG_ERROR_RATE) {
            can_log = 1;
            last_write_error_log = server.unixtime;

        /* Log the AOF write error and record the error code. */
         // 如果写入出错,那么尝试将出错情况写入日志
        if (nwritten == -1) {
            if (can_log) {
                serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Error writing to the AOF file: %s",
                server.aof_last_write_errno = errno;
        } else {
            if (can_log) {
                serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Short write while writing to "
                                       "the AOF file: (nwritten=%lld, "
                                       (long long)nwritten,
                                       (long long)sdslen(server.aof_buf));
			// 尝试移除新追加的不完整内容
            if (ftruncate(server.aof_fd, server.aof_current_size) == -1) {
                if (can_log) {
                    serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Could not remove short write "
                             "from the append-only file.  Redis may refuse "
                             "to load the AOF the next time it starts.  "
                             "ftruncate: %s", strerror(errno));
            } else {
                /* If the ftruncate() succeeded we can set nwritten to
                 * -1 since there is no longer partial data into the AOF. */
                nwritten = -1;
            server.aof_last_write_errno = ENOSPC;

        /* Handle the AOF write error. */
        // 处理写入AOF文件时出现的错误
        if (server.aof_fsync == AOF_FSYNC_ALWAYS) {
            /* We can't recover when the fsync policy is ALWAYS since the reply
             * for the client is already in the output buffers (both writes and
             * reads), and the changes to the db can't be rolled back. Since we
             * have a contract with the user that on acknowledged or observed
             * writes are is synced on disk, we must exit. */
            serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Can't recover from AOF write error when the AOF fsync policy is 'always'. Exiting...");
        } else {
            /* Recover from failed write leaving data into the buffer. However
             * set an error to stop accepting writes as long as the error
             * condition is not cleared. */
            server.aof_last_write_status = C_ERR;

            /* Trim the sds buffer if there was a partial write, and there
             * was no way to undo it with ftruncate(2). */
            if (nwritten > 0) {
                server.aof_current_size += nwritten;
            return; /* We'll try again on the next call... */
    } else {
        /* Successful write(2). If AOF was in error state, restore the
         * OK state and log the event. */
        if (server.aof_last_write_status == C_ERR) {
                "AOF write error looks solved, Redis can write again.");
            server.aof_last_write_status = C_OK;
    server.aof_current_size += nwritten;

    /* Re-use AOF buffer when it is small enough. The maximum comes from the
     * arena size of 4k minus some overhead (but is otherwise arbitrary). */
    if ((sdslen(server.aof_buf)+sdsavail(server.aof_buf)) < 4000) {
    } else {
        server.aof_buf = sdsempty();

    /* Don't fsync if no-appendfsync-on-rewrite is set to yes and there are
     * children doing I/O in the background. */
    if (server.aof_no_fsync_on_rewrite && hasActiveChildProcess())

    /* Perform the fsync if needed. */
    if (server.aof_fsync == AOF_FSYNC_ALWAYS) {
        /* redis_fsync is defined as fdatasync() for Linux in order to avoid
         * flushing metadata. */
        /* Let's try to get this data on the disk. To guarantee data safe when
         * the AOF fsync policy is 'always', we should exit if failed to fsync
         * AOF (see comment next to the exit(1) after write error above). */
        if (redis_fsync(server.aof_fd) == -1) {
            serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Can't persist AOF for fsync error when the "
              "AOF fsync policy is 'always': %s. Exiting...", strerror(errno));
        server.aof_fsync_offset = server.aof_current_size;
        server.aof_last_fsync = server.unixtime;
    } else if ((server.aof_fsync == AOF_FSYNC_EVERYSEC &&
                server.unixtime > server.aof_last_fsync)) {
        if (!sync_in_progress) {
            server.aof_fsync_offset = server.aof_current_size;
        server.aof_last_fsync = server.unixtime;



# AOF数据载入 
def loadAppendOnlyFile(char *filename):
  fakeClient = createRedisCli() # 创建伪客户端
     while True:
  command = getFromAof()  # 从AOF文件中取出命令
  flag = fakeClient(command) # 伪客户端执行命令
  if finish():  # 如果命令执行完,就退出
     return E_OK
  # 没有就继续执行


/* Replay the append log file. On success AOF_OK is returned,
 * otherwise, one of the following is returned:
 * AOF_OPEN_ERR: Failed to open the AOF file.
 * AOF_NOT_EXIST: AOF file doesn't exist.
 * AOF_EMPTY: The AOF file is empty (nothing to load).
 * AOF_FAILED: Failed to load the AOF file. */
int loadAppendOnlyFile(char *filename) {
    struct client *fakeClient;
    FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"r");
    struct redis_stat sb;
    int old_aof_state = server.aof_state;
    long loops = 0;
    off_t valid_up_to = 0; /* Offset of latest well-formed command loaded. */
    off_t valid_before_multi = 0; /* Offset before MULTI command loaded. */
    int ret;

    if (fp == NULL) {
        int en = errno;
        if (redis_stat(filename, &sb) == 0) {
            serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Fatal error: can't open the append log file for reading: %s",strerror(en));
            return AOF_OPEN_ERR;
        } else {
            serverLog(LL_WARNING,"The append log file doesn't exist: %s",strerror(errno));
            return AOF_NOT_EXIST;

    /* Handle a zero-length AOF file as a special case. An empty AOF file
     * is a valid AOF because an empty server with AOF enabled will create
     * a zero length file at startup, that will remain like that if no write
     * operation is received. */
    if (fp && redis_fstat(fileno(fp),&sb) != -1 && sb.st_size == 0) {
        server.aof_current_size = 0;
        server.aof_fsync_offset = server.aof_current_size;
        return AOF_EMPTY;

    /* Temporarily disable AOF, to prevent EXEC from feeding a MULTI
     * to the same file we're about to read. */
    server.aof_state = AOF_OFF;

    fakeClient = createAOFClient();
    startLoadingFile(fp, filename, RDBFLAGS_AOF_PREAMBLE);

    /* Check if this AOF file has an RDB preamble. In that case we need to
     * load the RDB file and later continue loading the AOF tail. */
    char sig[5]; /* "REDIS" */
    if (fread(sig,1,5,fp) != 5 || memcmp(sig,"REDIS",5) != 0) {
        /* No RDB preamble, seek back at 0 offset. */
        if (fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET) == -1) goto readerr;
    } else {
        /* RDB preamble. Pass loading the RDB functions. */
        rio rdb;

        serverLog(LL_NOTICE,"Reading RDB preamble from AOF file...");
        if (fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET) == -1) goto readerr;
        if (rdbLoadRio(&rdb,RDBFLAGS_AOF_PREAMBLE,NULL,server.db) != C_OK) {
            serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Error reading the RDB preamble of the AOF file, AOF loading aborted");
            goto readerr;
        } else {
            serverLog(LL_NOTICE,"Reading the remaining AOF tail...");

    /* Read the actual AOF file, in REPL format, command by command. */
    while(1) {
        int argc, j;
        unsigned long len;
        robj **argv;
        char buf[AOF_ANNOTATION_LINE_MAX_LEN];
        sds argsds;
        struct redisCommand *cmd;

        /* Serve the clients from time to time */
        if (!(loops++ % 1000)) {

        if (fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp) == NULL) {
            if (feof(fp))
                goto readerr;
        if (buf[0] == '#') continue; /* Skip annotations */
        if (buf[0] != '*') goto fmterr;
        if (buf[1] == '\0') goto readerr;
        argc = atoi(buf+1);
        if (argc < 1) goto fmterr;
        if ((size_t)argc > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(robj*)) goto fmterr;

        /* Load the next command in the AOF as our fake client
         * argv. */
        argv = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*argc);
        fakeClient->argc = argc;
        fakeClient->argv = argv;
        fakeClient->argv_len = argc;

        for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
            /* Parse the argument len. */
            char *readres = fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp);
            if (readres == NULL || buf[0] != '$') {
                fakeClient->argc = j; /* Free up to j-1. */
                if (readres == NULL)
                    goto readerr;
                    goto fmterr;
            len = strtol(buf+1,NULL,10);

            /* Read it into a string object. */
            argsds = sdsnewlen(SDS_NOINIT,len);
            if (len && fread(argsds,len,1,fp) == 0) {
                fakeClient->argc = j; /* Free up to j-1. */
                goto readerr;
            argv[j] = createObject(OBJ_STRING,argsds);

            /* Discard CRLF. */
            if (fread(buf,2,1,fp) == 0) {
                fakeClient->argc = j+1; /* Free up to j. */
                goto readerr;

        /* Command lookup */
        cmd = lookupCommand(argv,argc);
        if (!cmd) {
                "Unknown command '%s' reading the append only file",
            ret = AOF_FAILED;
            goto cleanup;

        if (cmd->proc == multiCommand) valid_before_multi = valid_up_to;

        /* Run the command in the context of a fake client */
        fakeClient->cmd = fakeClient->lastcmd = cmd;
        if (fakeClient->flags & CLIENT_MULTI &&
            fakeClient->cmd->proc != execCommand)
        } else {

        /* The fake client should not have a reply */
        serverAssert(fakeClient->bufpos == 0 &&
                     listLength(fakeClient->reply) == 0);

        /* The fake client should never get blocked */
        serverAssert((fakeClient->flags & CLIENT_BLOCKED) == 0);

        /* Clean up. Command code may have changed argv/argc so we use the
         * argv/argc of the client instead of the local variables. */
        if (server.aof_load_truncated) valid_up_to = ftello(fp);
        if (server.key_load_delay)

    /* This point can only be reached when EOF is reached without errors.
     * If the client is in the middle of a MULTI/EXEC, handle it as it was
     * a short read, even if technically the protocol is correct: we want
     * to remove the unprocessed tail and continue. */
    if (fakeClient->flags & CLIENT_MULTI) {
            "Revert incomplete MULTI/EXEC transaction in AOF file");
        valid_up_to = valid_before_multi;
        goto uxeof;

loaded_ok: /* DB loaded, cleanup and return C_OK to the caller. */
    server.aof_state = old_aof_state;
    server.aof_rewrite_base_size = server.aof_current_size;
    server.aof_fsync_offset = server.aof_current_size;
    ret = AOF_OK;
    goto cleanup;

readerr: /* Read error. If feof(fp) is true, fall through to unexpected EOF. */
    if (!feof(fp)) {
        serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Unrecoverable error reading the append only file: %s", strerror(errno));
        ret = AOF_FAILED;
        goto cleanup;

uxeof: /* Unexpected AOF end of file. */
    if (server.aof_load_truncated) {
        serverLog(LL_WARNING,"!!! Warning: short read while loading the AOF file !!!");
        serverLog(LL_WARNING,"!!! Truncating the AOF at offset %llu !!!",
            (unsigned long long) valid_up_to);
        if (valid_up_to == -1 || truncate(filename,valid_up_to) == -1) {
            if (valid_up_to == -1) {
                serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Last valid command offset is invalid");
            } else {
                serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Error truncating the AOF file: %s",
        } else {
            /* Make sure the AOF file descriptor points to the end of the
             * file after the truncate call. */
            if (server.aof_fd != -1 && lseek(server.aof_fd,0,SEEK_END) == -1) {
                serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Can't seek the end of the AOF file: %s",
            } else {
                    "AOF loaded anyway because aof-load-truncated is enabled");
                goto loaded_ok;
    serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Unexpected end of file reading the append only file. You can: 1) Make a backup of your AOF file, then use ./redis-check-aof --fix <filename>. 2) Alternatively you can set the 'aof-load-truncated' configuration option to yes and restart the server.");
    ret = AOF_FAILED;
    goto cleanup;

fmterr: /* Format error. */
    serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Bad file format reading the append only file: make a backup of your AOF file, then use ./redis-check-aof --fix <filename>");
    ret = AOF_FAILED;
    /* fall through to cleanup. */

    if (fakeClient) freeClient(fakeClient);
    stopLoading(ret == AOF_OK);
    return ret;